Sep 25, 2024  
2018-2019 Graduate Bulletin 
2018-2019 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED]

Course Descriptions

Graduate Bulletin Course Description Introduction

Course descriptions are listed (in this section) in alphabetical order by curricular subject abbreviations. Graduate courses are those numbered from 500 through 899. All numbers below 500 are for undergraduate credit.

Interpreting Course Descriptions

This document will help you understand the various codes used in the course descriptions.

A typical course description appears like this:

COUN 788 Counseling Process Laboratory  

Course Level

The three digits of the course codes refer to the course level. Graduate courses are numbered from 500 to 899. The 100 through 400 series are undergraduate courses.


UW-Stout defines a credit hour as an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that reasonably approximates: [1] At least 750 minutes of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of 1,500 minutes of out-of-class student work for one semester credit hour, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time (e.g. compressed courses); or [2] At least an equivalent amount of work as required in part one [1] of this definition for other academic activities as established by UW-Stout, including distance education, online, hybrid, or other indirect faculty instruction, laboratory work, internships, co-op experiences, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.  This definition of the semester credit hour applies to all academic credit bearing activities at all levels (graduate and undergraduate). In order to receive a degree, you must not only gain the required number of credits in the program you are pursuing, but also must attain a certain standard of scholarship. (See also “Suspension and Probation.”)


Career and Technical Education

  • CTE-660 Data Responsive Planning, Teaching and Assessment

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Teaching, planning and assessment of student learning through curriculum-based evidence collection and analysis in an effort to monitor and revise lessons, strategies, assessments (formative and summative), courses and programs.
  • CTE-674 Adult Education

    (2 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Philosophy and history of adult education in the United States. Techniques for teaching adults: psychological factors, methods, adult interests and characteristics.
  • CTE-708 Issues in Career and Technical Education

    (2 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    An in-depth study of contemporary issues affecting career, technical and adult education. Possible solutions or alternatives will be proposed.  Explore leadership potential by examining one’s professional identity and developing a plan for professional growth.
  • CTE-710 Coordination and Supervision of Career and Technical Education

    (2 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Principles of coordination/supervision in career, technical and adult education. The coordinator/supervisory positions and their functional relationship to the career and technical education system.
  • CTE-720 Policy and Legal Issues in Career and Technical Education

    (2 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Contemporary legal and policy issues affecting secondary and postsecondary career and technical education.
  • CTE-725 Quality Improvement in Education

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Systematic and strategic approaches to improving educational processes by applying and implementing quality improvement techniques.
  • CTE-735 Problems In Career and Technical Education

    (2 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Identification, selection, and completion of a problem in career and technical education culminating in a Plan B paper.
  • CTE-737 Competency-Based Education–Career and Technical

    (2 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Competencies for career, technical and adult education programs and courses. Development of competency-based education performance indicators in all domains, a competency-based education management system, and basis for competency-based education evaluation.
  • CTE-739 Introduction to Research in Career and Technical Education

    (1 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Centered around review of current research, identification of topics open to research, and development of a topic into a research proposal.  Explore several topics, developing one into an introduction, statement of the problem, significance of the problem, limitations, and definition of terms. Develop competencies in using the University Library, appropriate form and style, and the types of research papers.
  • CTE-745 Leading and Managing Student Services in Higher Education

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Design and delivery of student services in higher education. Reflection on current theories and practices, including emerging approaches to leadership in student services.
  • CTE-746 Seminar

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Special topics on current developments in the field. Each seminar devoted to a specific development to be indicated with sub-title and description.
  • CTE-770 Thesis–Career and Technical Education

    (2-6 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Conduct independent research under direction of faculty research adviser and a committee. Identify a research problem and questions, develop an outline, conduct a review of literature, compile references, develop a plan and identify methodology, conduct research, interpret findings, and prepare the final thesis paper according to Graduate School and program guidelines. Student may enroll for 2, 4, or 6 semester hours of credit in various terms with a final total of 6.
  • CTE-775 Workshop

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Special topics providing hands-on experiential learning activities. Specific content and title to reflect the topic of the workshop.
  • CTE-780 Internship, Career and Technical Education

    (4-8 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    A planned, supervised experience for M.S. or Ed.S. candidates. To be completed at selected locations capable of providing appropriate experiences.
    Department Consent Required
  • CTE-784 Internship - Career and Technical Education Coordinator

    (1-4 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Supervised field practice in local career and technical education coordination to be completed at selected schools or CESA agencies capable of providing appropriate experiences.
    Department Consent Required
  • CTE-796 Advocacy in Career and Technical Education

    (1 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Define and discuss advocacy as leaders in a profession. Develop skills in advocating for career and technical education through participation in CTE Month activities and attendance at legislative days hosted by CTE professional associations (state or national).
  • CTE-797 Field Experience - CTE Coordinator

    (1 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Supervised learning experience with a practicing CTE Coordinator.  Gain knowledge of the role of a CTE Coordinator and DPI requirements for licensure.
    Department Consent Required
    Prerequisite: Program director consent.
  • CTE-798 Field Experience

    (1-2 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Department Consent Required
  • CTE-799 Independent Study

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Department Consent Required
  • CTE-895 Field Study in Career and Technical Education

    (6 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Supervised research study; investigate and develop in-depth the body of knowledge associated with selected problem in CTE. Includes review of literature, data analysis, conclusions and recommendations, dissemination plan.
    Prerequisite: EDUC-816 ; must be enrolled in EdS in CTE
  • CTE-899 Independent Study

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Department Consent Required
  • CTE-901 Introduction to the Ed.D. in Career and Technical Education

    (2 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Introduction to cohort and learning communities; development of program plan, goals, and research agenda for the Ed.D. in CTE program.
    Must be enrolled in the EdD CTE program
  • CTE-902 Philosophy and Practice of Career and Technical Education

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    The history and development of career and technical education with emphasis on the philosophical bases of the field. Examines the impact of external forces and educational agencies on the organization and administration of programs. Development of a personal philosophy is required.
    Must be enrolled in the EdD CTE program
  • CTE-903 Educational Leadership in Career and Technical Education

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Leadership for planning, facilities and support services management, supervision of instruction, professional development, and assessment in career and technical education. Analysis and development of skills relative to leading an organization including campus/school planning, entrepreneurship, the business of education and selling an idea.
    Must be enrolled in the EdD CTE program
  • CTE-904 Social and Economic Issues in Career & Technical Education

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Exploration of the major social, economic, and political issues and trends expected to have continuing impacts on career and technical education and the workforce. The current status and philosophies of career and technical education are evaluated relative to these changes. Alternative directions for the future are identified and analyzed, with emphasis on proactive rather than reactive strategies for educators.
    Must be enrolled in the EdD CTE program
  • CTE-905 CTE Curriculum Systems

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Study and application of learning theory and philosophy to the planning, design, and development of secondary and postsecondary career and technical education programs and curriculum.
    Must be enrolled in the EdD CTE program
  • CTE-906 Applied Statistical Analysis for Education

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Knowledge, concepts, applications, interpretations and reporting of basic and practical statistical procedures related to educational problems. Applications of descriptive statistics, probability-sampling distributions, inferential statistics, interval estimation and tests of significance.
    Must be enrolled in the EdD CTE program
  • CTE-911 Comparative Systems in CTE

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Exploration and analysis of CTE practices and philosophies across the world, within regions, and the structures used to deliver work- and career-related education/training.
    Must be enrolled in the EdD CTE program
  • CTE-912 Education Policy and Leadership

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Influence of federal and state policy and leadership within the context of career and technical education. Research and examine CTE policy and leadership. Nature of political action in each of these arenas with attention to location/geography, PK12 and postsecondary career and technical education.
  • CTE-913 Program Planning, Development and Evaluation

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Application of research theory, CTE philosophy and practice relative to program planning, development and evaluation. Emphasis on the development and delivery in an efficient and effective manner, utilizing data and research when making program decisions.
    Must be enrolled in the EdD CTE program
  • CTE-914 Research Seminar

    (2 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Concepts and application in conducting doctoral level educational research. Emphasis on various data collection and analysis techniques. Research methods, designs, and data gathering tools to best approach a problem to investigate, meet their research objectives, and operate within the constraints of the research problem.
    Must be enrolled in the EdD CTE program
  • CTE-915 Quantitative Research Methods

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Processes and applications of quantitative research in educational-based disciplines. Common quantitative research methods, research types, study designs, basic statistics and reporting techniques used in the behavioral sciences. Develop proficiency in the design, development, and analysis of research using quantitative methodology.
    Must be enrolled in the EdD CTE program
  • CTE-921 Qualitative and Mixed Research Methods

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Design, development and analysis of research utilizing qualitative methodology (theory, models, measurement, sampling and analysis). In addition, mixed methodology research strategies will be addressed.
    Must be enrolled in the EdD CTE program
  • CTE-922 Strategic Planning and Administration in CTE

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    The role and process of strategic planning that incorporates working with internal and external stakeholders, data analysis, and short and long range planning. Application of leadership theory, analysis, and strategy to develop and lead the strategic planning process.
    Must be enrolled in the EdD CTE program
  • CTE-995 CTE Dissertation

    (3-12 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Guided research under direction of investigation adviser and research committee. Identification and selection of problem, review of literature, selection of research methodology, conduct research, interpretation and analysis of findings, and recommendations and conclusions. Requires research proposal presentation (preliminary examination) and final defense presentation.
    Instructor’s Consent Required
    Must be enrolled in the EdD CTE program


  • CHEM-511 Biochemistry

    (4 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Fundamental chemistry and metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins; second- and third-order structure of proteins; chemistry of nucleic acids; nature and dynamics of enzymes and enzyme action; biological oxidations; lab work in metabolism, chromatography, enzyme action, qualitative and quantitative analytical procedures.

Cognitive Neuroscience

  • CNS-681 Computational Cognitive Neuroscience

    (4 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Basic principles of computational cognitive neuroscience. Simulating cognition using biologically based networks of neuron-like units (neural networks).

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

  • CAHSS-799 Independent Study

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Department Consent Required

College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

  • CSTEM-590 Technical Service Schools

    0.5-(6 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Some special-purpose technical courses offered by manufacturers are suitable for college credit. Guidelines: (1) Student makes all arrangements with manufacturer offering courses; (2) One credit is awarded for each full week (40 hours) of attendance; (3) Student enrolls and pays fees prior to taking course; (4) Approval of dean of CTEM needed before enrolling for credit; (5) Graduate School approval required for students taking course for graduate credit.
    Department Consent Required
  • CSTEM-701 Lean Seminar I: Principles of Lean Manufacturing

    (0.5 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Introduces a systematic approach to eliminating waste in manufacturing processes by use of the 5S approach to organization, reducing batch sizes, utilizing point of use storage, using pull systems, implementing cellular/flow, implementing quality at the source, and involving employees. Includes live simulations.
  • CSTEM-702 Lean Seminar II: Value Stream Mapping Manufacturing

    (0.5 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a method to visually depict material and information flow through an industrial operation. Principles and techniques of the VSM process, mapping the current state of a sample company, applying Lean concepts to develop an improved future state, and identifying steps needed to achieve that state.
    Prerequisite: take CSTEM-701 
  • CSTEM-703 Lean Seminar III: Principles of Cellular/Flow Manufacturing

    (0.5 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Use of Cellular/Flow Manufacturing in linking manual and machine operations into the most efficient combination of resources to maximize value added content, ensuring continuous product flows, and meeting customer demands, while minimizing waste.
    Prerequisite: take CSTEM-701 
  • CSTEM-704 Lean Seminar IV: The 5S System

    (0.5 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Use of the principles of 5S system of manufacturing improvements (sort, set in order, shine, standardize, sustain) to develop a visual workplace that is organized, clean, and standardized and contains only what is required, enhancing the organization’s communication and productivity.
    Prerequisite: take CSTEM-701 
  • CSTEM-705 Lean Seminar V: Quick Changeover/Setup Reduction

    (0.5 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    The principles of the Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) system, a four-step changeover improvement process, are used to present techniques of designing no-cost/low-cost solutions to dramatically reduce or eliminate changeover time.
    Prerequisite: take CSTEM-701 
  • CSTEM-706 Lean Seminar VI: Total Productive Maintenance

    (0.5 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Use of the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) system of maximizing manufacturing equipment productivity. Utilization of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) to determine effective capacity of equipment. Development of effective, preventive, and predictive maintenance tools to reduce machine downtime and achieve autonomous maintenance.
    Prerequisite: take CSTEM-701 
  • CSTEM-707 Lean Seminar VII: VSM/Project Planning

    (0.5 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    The roles and expectations of a Value Stream Manager and the formation and leadership of a team to drive change in the organization. Individual project plans for Lean implementation projects are initiated.
    Prerequisite: CSTEM-701 , CSTEM-702 , CSTEM-703 , CSTEM-704 , CSTEM-705 , CSTEM-706 
  • CSTEM-749 Cooperative Education Experience

    (1-8 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Work and study in an approved position to gain business/industrial/other experience. Normally entails recurring, supervised work periods, each one building and expanding on the previous.
    Department Consent Required

Computer, Networking & Information Technologies

  • CNIT-133 Networking Fundamentals I

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Internet Protocol addressing, routing and switching fundamentals.
  • CNIT-134 Networking Fundamentals II

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Advanced addressing, switched networks, routing protocols, access lists and wide area network.
    Prerequisite: take CNIT 133  
  • CNIT-500 Special Topics: VMware vSphere Install, Configure, Manage Version 6.0

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Install, configure, and manage VMware vSphere 6.0, which includes VMware ESXi 6.0 and VMware vCenter Server 6.0. This course prepares you to administer a vSphere infrastructure for an organization of any size and forms the foundation for most other VMware technologies in the software-defined data center.
  • CNIT-501 Linux Systems & Network Administration

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    A technical overview of the Linux operating system, including: hands-on experience with commands, files, services and tools. Topics include basic Linux commands, files and directories, text editing and scripting; installation and maintenance of Linux servers in the corporate world; installation and configuration of services and applications of Linux servers.
  • CNIT-530 IP Telephony Design & Implementation

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Internet protocol (IP) telephony components and protocols examination; converged network interpretation; analog and digital voice interface configuration; quality of service configuration; single and multisite IP telephony deployment; IP telephony features implementation.
  • CNIT-561 Workstation and Server

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Installing, configuring, and administering Microsoft Windows utilizing the current commercial version of the product for both workstations and servers. Helps prepare students for two of the Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) certification examinations.
  • CNIT-562 Server Applications

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Installing, configuring, and administering server applications using multiple industry standard operating systems. Server applications may include World Wide Web, FTP, software updates, mail, file sharing, DNS, DHCP, and terminal services.
    Prerequisite: take CNIT-561  
  • CNIT-563 Directory Services

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Provides knowledge and skills to plan, implement, and troubleshoot directory services. Design and implement a secure network. Focuses on a directory services environment, including forest and domain structure, domain name system, site ology and replication, organizational unit structure, and delegation of administrations.
    Prerequisite: take CNIT-561  
  • CNIT-582 Network Systems Design

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Concepts from communication networks.  LAN, MAN, WAN networks. Introduction to LAN switching, ATM and virtual LANS.  Designing and integration of LAN switching virtual networking and ATM into today’s networks.
  • CNIT-583 Introduction to Network Security

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Design, implementation and management of network security in multilayered computer networks. Identifying and evaluating network security threats; internet, intranet, and extranet security issues.
  • CNIT-591 Wireless Systems

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Wireless networking combining Radio Frequency (RF) and Local Area Networking (LAN) technology fundamentals. Basic concepts and building blocks or the convergence between RF and networking technologies. Technologies and tasks vital to installing, managing, and supporting wireless networks.
    Instructor’s Consent Required
  • CNIT-641 Scalable Internetworks

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    One of three core courses for preparation for the Cisco CCNP and CCDP professional certification. Students will learn how to build scalable routable networks.  Students are required to pass the associated Cisco certification examination.
  • CNIT-643 Multi-Layer Switched Networks

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    One of three core courses for preparation for the Cisco CCNP and CCDP profressional certification. Build multi-layer switched networks. Students are required to pass the associated Cisco certification examination.
    Prerequisite: take CNIT-641  
  • CNIT-644 Internetwork Troubleshooting

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Specialization course for the Cisco CCNP professional certification. Students will learn to troubleshoot internetworks. Students are required to pass the associated Cisco certification examination.
    Prerequisites: take CNIT-641 , ITM-642 , and CNIT-643  
  • CNIT-650 Enterprise Solutions and Unified Communications

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Enterprise-level network utilizing the technologies and methods that are current industry best practices. Provide enterprise network solutions and unified communications to an organization while maintaining quality of service. New and emerging network technologies for an enterprise network.
    Prerequisites: take CNIT-530 , CNIT-563 , and CNIT-644  
  • CNIT-684 Advanced Network Security and Auditing

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Network infrastructure, operating systems, data centers, and virtualized environment security and auditing. Information technology government and industry regulation compliance.
  • CNIT-690 Information Technology Management Capstone

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Work with an outside organization in a team environment utilizing concepts of design, brainstorming, problem solving, team work, creativity, evaluation, and present findings in oral and written formats.

Computer Science

  • CS-144 Computer Science I

    (4 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Problem solving using a high-level programming language. Input/output, control structures, functions, arrays, memory management, structured data, documentation and testing.
  • CS-248 Web and Internet Programming

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Design and implementation of web and internet software systems using current programming languages, scripting languages, and interface standards. Network programming and client/server applications. Support for database access via web programs.
    Prerequisite: Take CS-141 or CS 144  
  • CS-545 Image Processing

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Theory and applications of digital image processing. Mathematical foundations and algorithms for enhancement, restoration, compression, segmentation and reconstruction from projections.
  • CS-546 Simulation Modeling and Analysis

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Simulation as a problem-solving technique; models, analysis and languages for simulation; data collection; random variety generation; verification and validation; output analysis; optimization of systems.
  • CS-680 Introduction to Computer Security

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Computer security problems and challenges, relationship between policy and security, cryptography, implementation of requirements imposed by policies, use of standards to ensure that the system will meet its goals, system vulnerabilities analysis and detection, intrusion detection, application of desired policy and procedures to support the policy.
  • CS-741 Computer Programming Techniques

    (2 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Introduction to computer systems and their utilization. Emphasis on translating language with application to individual research projects, statistical or developmental.
  • CS-745 Data Mining

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Fundamental concepts and methods in the field of data mining in order to discover meaningful patterns and knowledge from large datasets. Issues in data acquisition, integration, preprocessing, analysis and reporting. Hands-on examples from practical applications illustrating the concepts covered in the course.
  • CS-799 Independent Study

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Department consent


  • COUN-606 Peer Supervisory Experience

    (1 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Experience in observation and feedback to peers undergoing counseling skill training.
    Instructor’s Consent Required
  • COUN-647 Assessment and Treatment of Eating Disorders

    (2 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Description and diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, obesity, and compulsive overeating. Psychological, sociological, and familial influences on the development of the disorders. Assessment instruments, approaches, and treatment considerations.
  • COUN-694 Counseling Older Persons

    2-(3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Training service providers in counseling skills and gerontology through discussion, observation and supervised counseling experiences.
  • COUN-700 Seminar In Counseling

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Special topics on current developments in the field. Each seminar is devoted to a specific development to be indicated with a subtitle and description.
  • COUN-715 Foundations of Clinical Mental Health Counseling

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Professional, ethical, and legal issues in mental health and AODA counseling. National and Wisconsin credential standards for mental health and AODA counseling practice. Regional mental health and AODA practice settings. Public policy issues in mental health and AODA counseling.
    Must be accepted into the M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program
  • COUN-719 Crisis and Trauma Counseling

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Clinical implications of significant personal loss by trauma, life transition, disease, disability and bereavement. Evidence-based approaches to grief counseling, the neurocognitive impact of trauma, and theoretically grounded approaches to trauma counseling. Emphasis will be on clinical skill integration in the context of grief and trauma.
  • COUN-720 Psychopharmacology

    (2 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Overview of abused street and prescription drugs and the legitimate use of psycho-pharmaceutical medicine. Fundamental concepts of neuroanatomy and neurochemistry. Medications for the treatment of substance abuse disorders and chronic pain management. Signs and symptoms of drug toxicity, drug interactions and side effects. Crisis intervention strategies.
  • COUN-721 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Programs

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Psychological factors in alcohol and drug abuse. Treatment programs and approaches used by alcohol and drug abuse counselors.
  • COUN-722 Advanced Topics in Compulsive Behavior Disorders

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Psychology of shame and its relationship to substance abuse and other compulsive behaviors. Overview of prominent topics in compulsive behavioral disorders including substance abuse, gambling, eating, spending money, sex, internet, and other excessive and harmful behaviors. Advanced counseling skill development through psycho-education presentations and hypothetical problem solving. Ethical issues in counseling.
    Prerequisite: take COUN-721 
  • COUN-723 Psychopathology: Assessment and Treatment Planning

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Training in the use of the current edition of the diagnostic and statistical manual (DSM) for assessment of mental disorders; use of behavioral and psychometric assessment procedures; treatment planning.
  • COUN-724 Adolescent Substance Abuse Counseling

    (2 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Major adolescent developmental concepts, current trends, and culturally sensitive approaches in the assessment, prevention and treatment of adolescent substance abuse.
    Prerequisite: take COUN-721 
  • COUN-725 Social and Cultural Issues in Counseling

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Major concepts, theoretical perspectives, professional issues, and skills of effective counseling related to such factors as culture, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, sexual orientation, mental and physical characteristics, education, family values, religious and spiritual values, and socio-economic status.
  • COUN-727 Mindfulness Applications in Counseling

    (2 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    History and methods of mindfulness psychology. Research supporting mindfulness integration in counseling. Theories and techniques of current mindfulness-based counseling and psychotherapy. Experiential mindfulness exercises and practice.
  • COUN-735 Problems in Counseling

    (2 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Plan B investigations are the primary purpose of this course. Students who are ready to write their Plan B paper should register for this course and then confer with the major adviser to select a staff member who will serve as an investigation adviser. Meetings with the adviser are by arrangement only.
    Prerequisites: take EDUC-740  or MFT-765 
  • COUN-745 Treating Personality Disorders

    (1 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of personality disorders as defined in the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). Underlying belief systems associated with the various personality disorders. Therapeutic strategies useful in working with individuals with personality disorders.
    Prerequisite: take COUN-723 
  • COUN-747 Counseling Across the Life Span

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Learning and application of mental health counseling across the life stages of human behavior and development.
  • COUN-749 Cooperative Education Experience

    (1-6 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Work and study in an approved position to gain business/industry experience. Generally entails recurring, supervised work periods, each one building and expanding on the previous one.
    Department Consent Required
  • COUN-750 Counseling Theory

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    History and theories of counseling and psycho- therapy: psychoanalytic, humanistic/existential, cognitive/behavioral, family systems, feminist, and others. Underlying personality theory. Integration and eclecticism in counseling practice. Illustrative practical applications. Integration of counseling theory into a personal counseling style.
  • COUN-752 Group Dynamics

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Theoretical and experiential understandings of group work, dynamics/development, and leadership approaches. Small group experience and supervised training in essential group leadership skills. Design and implementation of different types of groups for diverse populations in varied professional settings.
    Prequisite or Corequisite: COUN-788 
  • COUN-754 Assessment and Clinical Interviewing in Counseling

    (1 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Instruments and procedures used for the assessment of behavior relevant to and appropriate for mental health counseling. Emphasis on the selection, administration, interpretation, and application of major assessment instruments and procedures. Synthesis of assessment information into psychological reports.
    Prerequisite: take SPSY-753 
  • COUN-761 Counseling Children and Adolescents

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Concepts and developmental approaches to counseling with children and adolescents. Integration of culturally responsive strategies, identification of at-risk behavior and prevention, and strategies to work with parents and families.
  • COUN-765 Expressive Arts in Counseling

    (2 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Learning and understanding major concepts and theories while developing the ability to apply expressive arts in clinical work.  Ethical, cultural, and developmental concerns will be addressed. 
  • COUN-770 Thesis

    (2-6 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Independent research under direction of investigation adviser. Selection of problems, development of outline, review of literature, compilation of bibliography, plan of method of attack, conduct of research, interpretation of findings, and preparation of the final paper according to thesis standards. Student may enroll for 2, 4, or 6 semester hours of credit in various terms with a final total of six.
    Prerequisites: take EDUC-740  or MFT-765  
  • COUN-775 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Practicum I

    (8 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Counseling under supervision in an alcohol and drug abuse treatment facility. Laboratory instruction on various aspects of alcohol and drug abuse treatment approaches.
    Department Consent Required
    Prerequisites: take COUN-721  and COUN-788 
  • COUN-776 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Practicum II

    (8 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    A continuation of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Practicum I. Students will continue a supervised counseling experience in an appropriate treatment facility and related laboratory instruction.
    Department Consent Required
    Prerequisite: take COUN-775 
  • COUN-788 Counseling Process Laboratory

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Basic attending and influencing skills used in the one-to-one and one-to-group situations involving laboratory experiences, such as counseling, feedback, critiquing, modeling, assessing and evaluating.
    Prerequisite or Corequisite: COUN-750 
  • COUN-789 Clinical Mental Health Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Training in the theory and practice of cognitive- behavioral, and solution-focused treatment models. Assessment, intervention, and self-management strategies through this approach will be emphasized. Application of cognitive-behavioral techniques to human problems.
    Prerequisite: take COUN-750  
  • COUN-790 Supervision in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Theory and practice of clinical and administration supervision in Mental Health Counseling venues. Supervision skill development and practice in laboratory setting.
    Prerequisite: take COUN-788 

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