Sep 27, 2024  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED]

Course Descriptions

A typical course description in the Undergraduate Bulletin appears like this:

LIT 273 American Multicultural Literature  

The three digits of the course codes refer to the course level. Undergraduate courses are those numbered from 100 to 499. All numbers above that are for graduate credit.The 100 series is primarily for freshmen; 200 – sophomores; 300 – juniors; and 400 – seniors.

Course Planning Information

Information included with the course description helps you as you plan your course schedules. General Education (Gen Ed), Racial and Ethnic Studies (RES), Global Perspective (GLP), repeatability, and terms offered (if known) are indicated.

The terms indicated serve only as a general guide and do not guarantee that a course will be offered during a particular semester. Verify availability of a course in any given term by checking the online Open Courses listing or through Access Stout when planning your schedule.


Applied Social Science

  • APSS-400 Applied Social Science Capstone

    (5 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Capstone experience for the undergraduate major in Applied Social Science; students will develop and conduct an applied research project using theory and evidence to analyze a chosen social scientific, historical or interdisciplinary topic and communicate the results; contextualize data and primary sources; hone professional writing skills and use their skills in career planning.
    Prerequisite: take APSS-300  and APSS 301 ; or consent of instructor
  • APSS-449 Cooperative Education Experience

    (1-8 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Work and study in an approved position to gain business/industrial/other experience. Normally entails recurring, supervised work periods, each one building and expanding on the previous.
    Department Consent
  • APSS-450 Bricolage, Bridges, and Transdisciplinary Analysis

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    This course teaches students how to create meaningful transdisciplinary narratives that combine the myriad skills and modes of analysis found in the Applied Social Science program.  This includes a sophisticated foray into what it means to think, write and enact the interdisciplinary methodology of the Applied Social Science program.  This course will teach students how and why interdisciplinary methodologies are essential tools in framing themselves and their research in relation to the world at large.
    Prerequisites: Senior standing or consent of instructor and APSS 400  .
  • APSS-499 Independent Study

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Department Consent


  • ARAB-101 Elementary Arabic I

    (4 cr.)
    Global Perspective, Communication Skills
    Introduction to Modern Standard Arabic will acquaint students with the working vocabulary, dialogue skills, and pronunciation needed for elementary Arabic reading and writing. Linguistic development will include basic listening skills, elementary conversation, appreciation of the many Arabic dialects, and knowledge of Arab culture.
  • ARAB-196 Elementary Arabic II

    (4 cr.)
    Global Perspective, Communication Skills
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Increase in proficiency of Arabic language skills through reading, writing, grammar, conversation, and listening skills. More complex grammatical structures of Arabic for purposes of basic communication in a wider variety of situations.
    Prerequisites: take ARAB 101  or Instructor Consent


  • ART-100 Drawing I

    (3 cr.)
    Arts and Humanities - Creative/Performing Arts
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Study and application of the principles and mechanics of descriptive freehand drawing using black and white media.
  • ART-101 Two-Dimensional Design Foundations

    (3 cr.)
    Arts and Humanities - Creative/Performing Arts
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Principles and elements of two-dimensional design and their application to the foundations of visual expression.
  • ART-102 Introduction to Art and Design

    (1 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Introduction to various disciplines and activities in art and design. Not appropriate for General Education requirement.
  • ART-103 Three-Dimensional Design Foundations

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    The study of the principles and elements of three-dimensional design and their application to the foundations of visual expression.
    Prerequisite: Take ART-101  with a grade of C or better
  • ART-114 Color Studio

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Students apply color knowledge to art and design exercises. Content covered includes the physical properties of color, the schools of color theory and influential color theorists, and color vocabulary.
  • ART-145 The Practice of Art

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Introduction to current professional practices and historical roles of artists in culture.
    Students must be Studio Art or Art Education majors only
  • ART-149 Cooperative Education Experience

    (1-8 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Work and study in an approved position to gain business/industrial/other experience. Normally entails recurring, supervised work periods, each one building and expanding on the previous.
    Department Consent
  • ART-199 Independent Study

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Department Consent
  • ART-200 Drawing II

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Study and application of the principles and mechanics of interpretive freehand drawing focusing on invention, and creative investigation using a variety of black and white, color, and mixed media.
    Prerequisite: take ART-100  with a grade of C or better
  • ART-209 Painting I

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Introduction and investigation of acrylic and/or oil painting.
    Prerequisites: take ART-200  with a grade of C or better
  • ART-211 Contemporary Sculptural Practices I

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Introduction to sculptural concepts.
    Prerequisite: take ART-103  with a grade of “C” or better
  • ART-213 Ceramics I

    (3 cr.)
    Arts and Humanities - Creative/Performing Arts
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Study and application of wheel-throwing, hand-building, glazing and firing techniques for ceramics, as a means of visual expression.
  • ART-215 Metals and Contemporary Art Jewelry I

    (3 cr.)
    Arts and Humanities - Creative/Performing Arts
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Exploration and development of jewelry and other three-dimensional objects made of metal and related materials. An introduction to concept, design development and technical approaches.
  • ART-217 Printmaking I

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Introduction to the concepts and techniques of printmaking.
    Prerequisites: take ART-101  and ART 200 , each with a grade of C or better
  • ART-249 Cooperative Education Experience

    (1-8 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Work and study in an approved position to gain business/industrial/other experience. Normally entails recurring, supervised work periods, each one building and expanding on the previous.
    Department Consent
  • ART-256 Art Workshop

    1-(3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Selected art concepts, processes and media will vary to serve special student populations. Credit determined by individual contract.
  • ART-256 Digital Fabrication in Jewelry

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Exploration of digital studio applications, 3D printing and scanning, and development of post-production fabrication techniques.  An introduction to 3D modeling software, digital design development, and technical applications to the field of jewelry.
  • ART-256 Slip-Casting for Designers and Artists

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Max. 6 cr.
    Design and production of forms for slip-casting. Production includes mold making, slip casting, finishing, glazing and firing completed ceramic objects.
    Prerequisite: take ART 103  
  • ART-279 Comics I

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Introduction to visual terminology and theories involved in comic creation. Students develop and apply analog comics theory, construction skills and techniques to the production of short comics.
    Prerequisite(s): take ART 100 , with a grade of C or better
  • ART-296 Digital Fabrication for Artists and Designers

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Exploration of digital studio applications and development of post-production fabrication techniques. Introduction to 3D modeling software, digital design development, and technical applications for artists and designers.
    Prerequisites: take ART 103  and ART 200 
  • ART-299 Independent Study

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Department Consent
  • ART-300 Drawing III

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Advanced drawing methodologies with emphasis on media exploration, furthering drawing strategies, exposure to historical and current drawing concerns and independent research.
    Prerequisites: take ART-200  with a grade of C or better
  • ART-301 Life Drawing I

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Drawing and analyzing the human figure and other natural forms. Translating three-dimensional form to the two-dimensional picture plane.
    Prerequisites: take ART-200  with a grade of C or better
  • ART-307 Aesthetics in the Studio

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Introduction to the problems of aesthetics, such as interpretation, creation, and experience of art as it relates to studio practices.
    Prerequisites: Take ARTH-223  and ARTH-224 ; and take ARTH-336  or ARTH-337   (may be taken concurrently). Also, one 300-level or higher studio Art must be taken concurrently.
  • ART-311 Contemporary Sculptural Practices II

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Continued investigation into contemporary sculptural practices with an emphasis upon expanded research, development of concepts, and exploration of materials.
    Prerequisite: take ART-211   with a grade of “C” or better
  • ART-313 Ceramics II

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Continued study and application of wheel-throwing, hand-building, glazing and firing of ceramics, as a means of visual expression.
    Prerequisite: take ART 213   with a grade of C or better
  • ART-315 Metals and Contemporary Art Jewelry II

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Exploration of intermediate jewelry forms and three-dimensional objects made of metal and related materials. Expanded approaches to conceptual development, design and technical applications.
    Prerequisite: take ART-215  with a grade of C or better
  • ART-349 Cooperative Education Experience

    (1-8 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Work and study in an approved position to gain business/industrial/other experience. Normally entails recurring, supervised work periods, each one building and expanding on the previous.
    Department Consent
  • ART-356 The Photographic Image and Imagery after Photography

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Key histories, technologies, practices, theories and topics, constituting what we come to see as an image, after the invention of photography. A critical approach to the creation and critique of practices engaged with image making.
    Prerequisites: take PHOTO 130 ARTH 223 , and ARTH 224  
  • ART-375 Art Photography Studio

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Studio art photographic techniques and methodologies. Emphasis on media exploration and image creation for expressive and critically driven work. A repeatable class.
    Prerequisite: Take PHOTO 130 , DES 220 , and ART 100 .
  • ART-379 Comics II

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Study and application of principles and mechanics involved in comic creation with an emphasis on developing a personal practice of literary citizenship. Students strengthen traditional analog media skills and are introduced to digital methods and practices.
    Prerequisites: take DES 220   and ART 279 , each with a grade of C or better or instructor consent
  • ART-397 Field Experience for Artists

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Work in an approved position or conduct advanced research on an approved topic related to the studio art profession.
    Department Consent
    Prerequisite: take ART-145
  • ART-399 Independent Study

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Department Consent
  • ART-401 Life Drawing II

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Continued drawing and analysis of the structure of the human figure.
    Prerequisite: take ART-301  with a grade of C or better
  • ART-403 Life Drawing III

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Self-directed study of Life Drawing; continued development of individual research, drawing skills, and studio discipline.
    Prerequisite: take ART-401  with grade of C or better
  • ART-409 Painting II

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Continued investigation of painting issues with a broader range of technical concerns, historical and contemporary approaches through expanded research requirements.
    Prerequisite: take ART-209  with a grade of C or better
  • ART-410 Painting III

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Self-directed study of painting. Continued development of individual research, painting skills, and studio discipline.
    Prerequisite: take ART-409  with a grade of C or better
  • ART-411 Contemporary Sculptural Practices III

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Advanced problems in sculpture, through the exploration and utilization of media for creative and expressive ends. Repeatable; topics and projects change
    Prerequisite: take ART-311  with a grade of C or better
  • ART-413 Ceramics III

    1-(3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Advanced self-directed research in ceramics, focusing on a continued development of aesthetics, techniques and materials.  Repeatable for both undergraduate and graduate students
    Prerequisite: take ART-313 with a grade of C or better
  • ART-414 Color Seminar

    (4 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    A case-study course exploring methodologies for use of color. Content includes gender-specific, historic, psychological, social, and symbolic use of color; color sensibilities in other cultures; and roots of color beliefs.
    Prerequisites: take PHYS-150 , PSYC-432 , GCM-367, and ART-114  with a grade of C or better
  • ART-415 Metals and Contemporary Art Jewelry III

    1-(3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Advanced studio experience in individualized jewelry forms and three-dimensional objects made of metal and related materials. A continuation of technical skills is coupled with emphasis on conceptual development and critical thinking.
    Prerequisite: Take ART-315  with a grade of C or better
  • ART-417 Printmaking II

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Advanced work in the processes of relief, silkscreen, etching or lithographic printmaking. Initial enrollment must be for 3 credits.
    Prerequisite: take ART-217  with a grade of C or better
  • ART-447 Senior Seminar Studio

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Culminating art studio experience to include development of a cohesive body of work and portfolio post-graduation profressional/education plans, contemporary art issues, and creating art.
    Prerequisites: take ART-145  and ART-307   with a grade of C or better; Prerequisite or concurrent enrollment in ART-307  with a grade of C or better. Must be Senior level, and must be Studio Art major.
  • ART-449 Cooperative Education Experience

    (1-8 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Work and study in an approved position to gain business/industrial/other experience. Normally entails recurring, supervised work periods, each one building and expanding on the previous.
    Department Consent
  • ART-456 Advanced Art Workshop

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Selected art concepts, processes and media will vary to serve special student populations. For students familiar with workshop approach or advanced in art program. Credit determined by individual contract.
  • ART-479 Comics III

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Repeatable up to 4 times, for 12 maximum credits
    Advanced comics theory and methodologies with emphasis on book length and experimental format exploration.  Portfolio production of work and a foundation for sustainable practices in self-directed comic creation and authorship. 
    Prerequisite(s): take ART 379   with a grade of C or better or obtain instructor consent
  • ART-490 BFA Thesis Exhibition

    (1 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Creation and dissemination of a body of artwork produced during the student’s senior year.
    Instructor’s Consent Required
    Must be Senior level or higher
  • ART-499 Independent Study

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Department Consent

Art Education

  • ARTED-108 Introduction to Art Education

    (2 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Fundamental, historical and philosophic components of Art Education with an emphasis on discipline-based Art Education.
  • ARTED-208 Contemporary Theory and Curricular Practices in Art Education

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Seminar and practicum course designed to combine theory and practice in K-12 art instruction. The seminar is devoted directly toward contemporary theory surrounding K-12 art education. The practicum involves 30 hours of partnered art classroom participation, including the planning, instruction, and assessment of an art lesson.
    Department Consent
    Prerequisites: take ARTED-108  and Benchmark I
  • ARTED-308 K-12 Art Education Theory, Methods, and Practice

    (4 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Theory, methods, and curriculum development in art education including K-12 art teaching practicum in selected elementary and secondary art classrooms.
    Prerequisites: take ARTED-208  and ARTH-223  and Benchmark I completion
  • ARTED-408 Student Teaching in Art Education - Elementary

    (8 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Directed teaching in elementary art; required student teaching seminars, on-line course participation, and completion of portfolio.
    Department Consent
    Prerequisite: Benchmark I completion
  • ARTED-409 Student Teaching in Art Education - Secondary

    (8 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Directed teaching in secondary art; required student teaching seminars, on-line course participation, and completion of portfolio.
    Department Consent
  • ARTED-449 Cooperative Education Experience

    (1-8 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Work and study in an approved position to gain business/industrial/other experience. Normally entails recurring, supervised work periods, each one building and expanding on the previous.
    Department Consent
  • ARTED-499 Independent Study

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Department Consent

Art History

  • ARTH-222 Introduction to Art

    (3 cr.)
    Arts and Humanities - Art History/Music and Theater Appreciation
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Art appreciation and brief historical survey for students not majoring in art or design disciplines.
  • ARTH-223 Survey of Art–Ancient Through Medieval

    (3 cr.)
    Arts and Humanities - Art History/Music and Theater Appreciation
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    The painting, sculpture, architecture and minor arts in the ancient western world.
  • ARTH-224 Survey of Art-Renaissance Through 20th Century

    (3 cr.)
    Arts and Humanities - Art History/Music and Theater Appreciation
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Sculpture, painting, architecture and minor arts of western world from 14th century to present.
  • ARTH-225 Introduction to Non-Western Art

    (3 cr.)
    Arts and Humanities - Art History/Music and Theater Appreciation
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Cross cultural examination of the history of Non-Western art from a global perspective. Exploration of the arts of Asia, Africa, the Americas, Oceania, and the Islamic world. Exposure to diverse visual elements and humanistic concerns. Themes include: diversity, identity, religion, politics, representation of self and “the other”, and Westernization.
  • ARTH-256 Special Topics in Art History: Art in Italy

    (3 cr.)
    Arts and Humanities - Art History/Music and Theater Appreciation (Not listed)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Survey of the art and architecture of Italy, from Antiquity through the 17th Century, with travel to Italy.
  • ARTH-296 Museums and Monuments in Miami

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Survey of art, architecture, and design in Miami, Miami Beach, and Coral Gables, Florida.  Travel to these cities is required and coordinated via the Office of International Education.
  • ARTH-319 History of Design

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Survey of the history of modern design since its origins in the late Renaissance.
    Prerequisites: take ARTH-224  with a grade of C or better and ENGL-101 /ENGL-111  
  • ARTH-325 Egyptian and Mesopotamian Art

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    The evolution of the arts and ancient Egypt and the Near East.
  • ARTH-326 Greek and Roman Art

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    The arts of ancient Greece and Rome.
  • ARTH-327 Medieval Art

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    The arts of Europe and Byzantium from late Roman Empire to end of Middle Ages.
  • ARTH-328 Italian Renaissance Art

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    A chronological, geographic, and thematic survey of art and architecture in Italy from the fourteenth through the sixteenth centuries.
  • ARTH-329 Northern Renaissance Art

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    A chronological, geographic, and thematic survey of art in Northern Europe during the late fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
  • ARTH-330 Baroque Art

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    A chronological, geographic, and thematic survey of art and architecture in Europe and the colonial New World in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries.
  • ARTH-331 Art and Controversy

    (3 cr.)
    Arts and Humanities - Art History/Music and Theater Appreciation, Social Responsibility and Ethical Reasoning
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Exploration of controversial or provocative works of art that push the boundaries of artistic expression. Consideration of social and historical contexts of provocative imagery. Understanding the delicate balance between differing individual, social, and cultural mores and an artist’s right to freedom of expression.
  • ARTH-332 Gender and Art

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Exploration of social and cultural constructions of identity and sexuality from Prehistory to the Modern era. Analysis of the ways in which gender identities can be shaped by politics, religion, and culture, and how an artist’s gender and/or sexual preferences affect visual imagery, from subject choices to market values.
  • ARTH-333 History of Interiors and Furnishings

    (3 cr.)
    Global Perspective
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    A survey of the history of interior design, furniture, and household objects since ancient Egypt.
  • ARTH-335 19th Century Art In Europe

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    History of European art from about 1800 to 1900.
  • ARTH-336 Modern Art

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    The main currents and developments in art from Monet and Cezzane to 1950.
  • ARTH-337 Art Since 1950

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Developments in painting and sculpture in Europe and America since 1950.
    Prerequisite: take ARTH-224  with a grade of C or better
  • ARTH-339 Japanese Art and Culture

    (3 cr.)
    Global Perspective
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Thematic survey of the art and culture of Japan from pre-history to the present day. Recognition of major styles, appreciation of Eastern cultural ideals, familiarity with influences and borrowings from the West. Class discussions include religion (Shinto, Buddhism), art, culture (tea ceremonies, Kabuki Theater) and literature.
  • ARTH-340 History of Interactive Media

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Survey of historical developments leading to, and in the design of, video games, the Internet, and related media. Must be in a BFA major, Art Ed or GDD major
  • ARTH-341 History of Film

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Evolution of motion picture film as medium of mass communication and aesthetic expression; contributions of noted filmmakers from around the world.
  • ARTH-399 Independent Study

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Department Consent
  • ARTH-499 Independent Study

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Department Consent


  • BIO-101 Introductory Biology

    (4 cr.)
    Analytic Reasoning and Natural Sciences - Natural Science with Lab
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Introduction to the science of biology including life processes, cell biology, genetics, molecular biology, evolution, ecology, plant and animal diversity. Living systems are viewed from the sub-cellular to the community level, emphasizing the diversity, functioning, and interaction of whole organisms.
  • BIO-111 Science, the Environment and Sustainability

    (4 cr.)
    Global Perspective, Analytic Reasoning and Natural Sciences - Natural Science with Lab, Cross-disciplinary Issues
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Relationship of humans to the natural environment with a focus on sustainability. Ecological principles in relation to global contemporary problems, such as resource utilization, species extinction, human population dynamics, and climate change, with an interdisciplinary approach to problem solving. A special course fee applies.
  • BIO-128 Community Health

    (2 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Disease prevention through education, sanitation, isolation and immunization; public health programs and operation of federal and state laws.
  • BIO-130 Human Sexual Biology

    (3 cr.)
    Analytic Reasoning and Natural Sciences - Natural Science, Cross-disciplinary Issues
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Interdisciplinary investigation into human reproductive physiology, from development through reproduction and aging, including contraception and sexually transmitted infections, within a framework of historical context and societal lens.
  • BIO-132 Human Biology: Our Bodies, Our Health, Our World

    (4 cr.)
    Analytic Reasoning and Natural Sciences - Natural Science with Lab
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    A tour of the human body from molecules and cells to tissues and organ systems. Connects anatomy and physiology to health and disease. Special attention paid to the impact of personal choices on health and the intersection between health and society.
  • BIO-135 Organismal Biology

    (4 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Introduction to the biological sciences, including evolution, an overview of life’s diversity, plant biology, animal biology, and ecology. Emphasis on scientific thought processes, laboratory skills, and communication skills.
    Must be APSCI, ENVSCI, SCIED, or PRE-HEALTH major
  • BIO-136 College Molecular Cell Biology I

    (5 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Introduction to the biological sciences, including cell biology, physiology, and molecular biology. Emphasis on scientific thought processes, laboratory skills, and communication skills. For Applied Science and Science Education majors, and Biology minors.
    Prerequisite(s): Must be ABMB or pre, APSC or pre, ENSC, SCIED major or instructor consent
  • BIO-141 Plants and People

    (4 cr.)
    Global Perspective, Analytic Reasoning and Natural Sciences - Natural Science with Lab, Cross-disciplinary Issues
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Interdisciplinary investigation into the global economic and cultural importance of plants, how aspects of plant biology have played historical roles in shaping societies around the world, and the roles of plants in solving future societal problems. A special course fee applies.
  • BIO-150 Environmental Science

    (2 cr.)
    Global Perspective, Analytic Reasoning and Natural Sciences - Natural Science with Lab
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    The relationship of humans to the natural environment. Study of ecological principles in relation to contemporary problems such as resource utilization, human population dynamics, waste and pollution control.
  • BIO-199 Independent Study

    (1-3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: Yes
    Department Consent
  • BIO-220 Physiology of Disabilities

    (3 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Causes, consequences, prognoses and treatments of diseases and injuries common in today’s society. Includes genetic disorders, birth defects, cancers, degenerative disorders, spinal cord injuries, cardiovascular abnormalities and immune disorders.
    Prerequisites: BIO-132  or BIO-234  
  • BIO-226 Contagious Diseases

    (3 cr.)
    Global Perspective, Analytic Reasoning & Natural Sciences - Natural Science, Cross-disciplinary Issues, Social Responsibility & Ethical Reasoning
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Survey of contagious diseases in humans. Includes pathogen types, transmission mechanisms, the human microbiome, and past and future epidemics. Historical and societal impacts of infectious agents as well as strategies of treatment and prevention. Contrasts of cultural approaches to contagious diseases worldwide. Role of education in preventing infections.
  • BIO-234 Physiology and Anatomy

    (4 cr.)
    Analytic Reasoning and Natural Sciences - Natural Science with Lab
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    The structure and function of the human organism at the cellular, organ, and organism levels with emphasis on the physiological control systems and the concept of homeostasis as the unifying concept in physiology.
    Prerequisites: take BIO 132 BIO 135 BIO 136 , or CHEM 115  or CHEM 135   
  • BIO-235 Molecular Cell Biology II

    (4 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Examination of molecular and cellular basis of eukaryotic life forms. Focus on bioenergetics, gene expression, signal transduction, and cancer. Laboratory manipulation of continuous eukaryotic cell lines.
    Prerequisites: take BIO 136  and CHEM-136  
  • BIO-242 Botany

    (5 cr.)
    Repeatable for Credit: No
    Introduction to structure and function of plants, survey of plant kingdom, and structure and life history of representative forms of plant life.

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