Mar 02, 2025
2018-2019 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED]
Technology Education, B.S.
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Technology Education, B.S.: 4-year sequence
Technology Education is a Bachelor of Science degree program consisting of general, professional and technical course work that leads to teaching certification in all 50 states. Students who complete the B.S. in Technology Education may be eligible for credits relative to Project Lead the Way, a K-12 pre-engineering teaching initiative. Although the program is designed to lead to an education degree, graduates have also found challenging career opportunities in fields related to communication, construction, manufacturing and transportation. More than 30 credits of technical requirements provide students with hands-on experiences using computers, robots, electronics, and more conventional equipment used in processing materials, transportation, construction and processing information. Course work is enriched by involvement with professional organizations and professional activities.
The program is also offered with a distance option for geographically-bound students seeking Career and Technical Education certification.
General Requirements
Bachelor of Science Degree
Total for graduation |
120 credits |
General Education |
40 credits |
Major Studies |
80 credits |
A minimum of 120 credits and a 2.75 GPA are required for graduation.
Racial and Ethnic Studies (6 credits*)
Three credits must be selected from RES-A. Global Perspective (6 credits*)
Complete a program of university-approved work or study abroad or 6 credits of global perspective approved courses. General Education (40 credits)
Communication Skills (9 credits)
Analytic Reasoning and Natural Sciences (10 credits)
Remaining selectives must be any STAT and CHEM or PHYS; one lab is required. Arts and Humanities* (6 credits)
Social and Behavioral Sciences * (6 credits)
Remaining course must be from areas of anthropology, economics, geography, political science or sociology. Cross-disciplinary Issues (4 credits)
Social Responsibility and Ethical Reasoning (3 credits)
Selectives (2 credits)
Courses/credits may be selected from any General Education category to meet the 40-credit requirement. Major Studies - On Campus (80 credits)
Professional Education (41 credits)
Grade of “C” or better required for all courses. Courses with the TECED and STMED prefix can only be repeated once. The Designed World (40 credits)
Technical Selectives (6 credits)
All Technology Education students are required to meet with their adviser to plan their Technical Selectives. The purpose of this requirement is to provide the student with an opportunity to create more depth of understanding and skill within technical areas that are likely to be part of their teaching responsibilities at the secondary level. Some courses or sequences of courses may provide a student the opportunity to seek certifications by outside accrediting bodies such as Project Lead the Way. Technical college transfers need to meet with an advisor to gain approval of technical transfer courses. Major Studies - Distance Delivery Option (80 credits)
Professional Education (39 credits)
Grade of “C’ or better required for all courses. Courses with the TECED and STMED prefix can only be repeated once. The Designed World (35 credits)
Technical Selectives (6 credits)
All Technology Education students are required to meet with their adviser to plan their Technical Selectives. The purpose of this requirement is to provide the student with an opportunity to create more depth of understanding and skill within technical areas that are likely to be part of their teaching responsibilities at the secondary level. Some courses or sequences of courses may provide a student the opportunity to seek certifications by outside accrediting bodies such as Project Lead the Way. Technical college transfers need to meet with an advisor to gain approval of technical transfer courses. Vocational Certification
A student who wishes to become certifiable to teach an advanced level occupational skills course in Wisconsin must complete this degree program, a course in Principles of Career and Technical Education, and a course in Organization and Administration of Cooperative Education Programs. The student must also have a minimum of 2,000 hours of related work experience. Teacher Education Requirements
Students proceed through a series of three benchmarks as they move toward licensure. Benchmark I: Acceptance into Teacher Education
Teacher education students will begin fulfilling their requirements for Benchmark I as they complete their first 40 credits. Detailed information is online at: www.uwstout.edu/soe/current/ugbmi.cfm. - Pass one of the following skills tests: PPST, CORE, ACT, SAT or GRE. Test scores and test completion dates must meet required specifications as detailed on the SOE web page listed above
- Pass the required teacher background check
- Earn a grade of at least 2.00 (C) in ENGL 101 or ENGL 102 or ENGL 111 and ENGL 112
- Earn a grade of at least 2.00 (C) in COMST 100
- Earn a minimum grade of 2.00 (C) in STMED 160 Introduction to Technology and Science Education
- Complete EDUC 326 Foundations of Education.
- Satisfactorily complete Benchmark I Review
Benchmark II: Application for Student Teaching
Benchmark II must be completed prior to student teaching. Detailed information is online at: www.uwstout.edu/soe/current/ugbmii.cfm. - Complete Application for Student Teaching form
- Maintain a 2.75 grade point average
- Pass Content Knowledge Exam (Praxis II)
- Receive clearance through an updated background check
- Complete a satisfactory tuberculosis (TB) test
- Receive satisfactory portfolio assessment by faculty
- Receive satisfactory rating on Benchmark II Student Interview
- Submit copies of resume to the School of Education prior to student teaching
Benchmark III: Program Completion
Benchmark III must be completed before you can be recommended for licensure. Detailed information is online at: www.uwstout.edu/soe/ current/ugbmiii.cfm. - Complete electronic portfolio and receive a basic or higher proficiency level of assessment
- Complete all program coursework
- Meet all program-specific requirements
- Student teach at two levels: Middle School and High School.
- Receive a satisfactory student teaching assessment
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