Intended Outcome
Development of tool modification and accommodation: demonstrate familiarity with and use of testing accommodations or modifications to facilitate the vocational exploration of persons with disabilities through the modification of tests, work samples, job sites and training materials, as appropriate.
Communication of rehabilitation plan objectives and recommendations: demonstrate the ability to incorporate the potential of assistive technology to enhance performance potential in the vocational choices of persons with disabilities.
Vocational rehabilitation process and philosophy: outline and describe philosophical movements associated with vocational rehabilitation in the United States, describe the role of vocational rehabilitation/assessment in a diverse cultural environment, and describe the need that persons with disabilities have to be a part of society, focusing on strengths and assets that people bring with them to any situation.
Occupational Information: find and use various sources of national, state and local occupational information; link rehabilitation recommendations to the local labor market of the person being served.
Functional aspects of disability: develop knowledge of the functional characteristics of disability and understand the impact of evaluating the skill and abilities of a person with a disability.
Individualized vocational rehabilitation/evaluation planning: identify and delineate the individual needs of a person with a disability; state those needs in a plan for testing skills and abilities in relation to the accomplishment of a task or goal.
Vocational interviewing: demonstrate the development of rapport, provision of agency and assessment information, initial identification of client strengths and limitations through the vocational interview; and create an understanding of the process of vocational rehabilitation through the vocational interview.
Vocational report development and communication: interpret, analyze, and synthesize participant data in a coherent and concise manner that addresses needs, strengths, and assets of the participant and develops pertinent recommendations through a report shared orally and in writing with the participant/client and referral source/rehabilitation counselor.
Standardized testing: become familiar with the procedures for administering and interpreting standardized tests and application of tests to persons with disabilities, understand the impact of the disabling condition and the use of the most appropriate test, and develop a report explaining the impact of testing and using results with a vocational rehabilitation report.
Job and Training Analysis: perform a job analysis and develop a training analysis on a given job and do a written report; use the job analysis to determine the most appropriate evaluation tools to use with a person with a disability to measure performance ability; determine appropriate training or education to prepare for the job.
Functional Skills: use appropriate tools and strategies to evaluate the functional daily living skills of an individual with a disability, select appropriate method to determine level of functional skill, develop and use situational assessment to establish an understanding of the individual functional skills of a person with a disability.
Assessment of Learning: demonstrate awareness of learning styles and modalities of teaching through use of selected tests, modify test administration to the demands of the learning/teaching situation.
Work samples and work sample systems: demonstrate appropriate use of work samples and work sample systems as means of assessment within a given occupation, demonstrate appropriate use of work samples and systems with different types of disabling conditions.
Behavioral Observation: observe and note behaviors of individuals during the assessment process as asset or limitation behaviors in relation to the accomplishment of a target goal.