Feb 17, 2025  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2014-2015 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED]

Course Descriptions

Undergraduate Bulletin Course Description Introduction

Course descriptions are listed (in this section) in alphabetical order by curricular subject abbreviations. Undergraduate courses are those numbered from 100 through 499. All numbers above that are for graduate credit.

General Education, Racial and Ethnic Studies and Global Perspective Requirements

This section describes the purpose of and outlines the requirements of each of these course categories.

Each degree program has a general education component designed to provide you with knowledge and skills in communication, analytic reasoning, natural sciences, arts, humanities, social and behavioral sciences, contemporary issues, social responsibility and ethical reasoning. The university also requires students to take courses to learn about the diverse cultures that make up the United States. With careful planning, some of the general education courses and racial and ethnic studies courses may overlap. That is, you may take a course that meets both general education and racial and ethnic studies requirements. While the credits you earn count once toward graduation, they may be used to satisfy requirements in these two areas. The global perspective requirement for undergraduates stems from the goals of UW-Stout’s distinctive mission and array of programs that combine theory, practice and experimentation.


Racial and Ethnic Studies Requirements

The Racial and Ethnic Studies requirement is six credits with a minimum of three credits from RES-A. Each student must satisfy the racial and ethnic studies requirement as preparation for being an engaged citizen in a highly diverse society. Racial and ethnic studies courses prepare students for being engaged citizens in a highly diverse society and to come to appreciate, understand, value and respond respectfully to cultural diversity. Through the study of U.S. cultures other than those from a European origin, we hope to discourage racism and thus reduce its effects. An important emphasis is critical reflection and application of acquired learning to professional and personal contexts. Lists of the racial and ethnic studies courses in each category are available online. Transfer students who have fulfilled the racial and ethnic studies requirement at another UW System university are exempt from meeting UW-Stout’s criteria.

Global Perspective Requirement

Both the globalization of work and the career education that is part of UW-Stout’s mission make it desirable that students appreciate cultural, economic, political, environmental and social differences. Learning a second language at the college level and developing an understanding of another culture provides students with skills they will use in international situations. To earn a bachelor’s degree, students who started Fall 2010 or later must fulfill a global perspective requirement by:

  • Completing a program of university-approved work or study abroad, or
  • Completing six credits of courses approved as fulfilling the global perspective requirement.

Interpreting Course Descriptions

This document will help you understand the various codes used in the course descriptions that follow.

A typical course description in the Undergraduate Bulletin appears like this:

LIT 273 American Multicultural Literature  

The three digits of the course codes refer to the course level. The 100 series is primarily for freshmen; 200 – sophomores; 300 – juniors; and 400 – seniors.


UW-Stout defines a credit hour as an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that reasonably approximates: [1] At least one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately 15 weeks for one semester hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or [2] At least an equivalent amount of work as required in part one [1] of this definition for other academic activities as established by UW-Stout, including distance education, online, hybrid, or other indirect faculty instruction, laboratory work, internships, co-op experiences, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

Course Planning Information

Information included with the course description helps you as you plan your course schedules. General Education, Racial and Ethnic Studies, Global Perspective, repeatability, and terms offered (if known) are indicated.

The terms indicated serve only as a general guide and do not guarantee that a course will be offered during a particular semester. Verify availability of a course in any given term by checking the online Open Courses listing or through Access Stout when planning your schedule.


English as a Second Language Institute


Environmental Science


Family and Consumer Sciences Education


Food and Nutrition


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